How Abortion Hurts Us All!

The Bible is filled with "if-then" passages. Some are positive. For example...

  • ...we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. [Romans 8:28)

  • Resist the devil and he will flee from you. [James 4:7]

Many others are negative:

  • Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; [Proverbs 29:18]

  • ...sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. [Hosea 8:7]

  • Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. [Matthew 7:13]

  • A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough. [Galatians 5:9]

Most contain both positive & negative warnings:

  • A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished. [Proverbs 22:3]

  • ...whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. [Galatians 6:7-8]

The Bible describes a world of cause and effect. Isaac Newton called it The Third Law of Motion: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In short, everything we do has a consequence. It may be an unintended consequence, we may be able to rationalize it, excuse it, or even deny it... but we cannot avoid it. All actions have consequences.

One of my favorite maxims regarding this fact of life is, "Ideas have consequences; bad ideas have victims."  So, when we enumerate societies decline, (the dramatic increase in divorce, family collapse, co-habitation, sexual perversion, pornography, profanity, corruption, criminality, violence, civil disorder, incivility, and the general coarsening of culture), we need to accept that we have ...sown to the wind and now are reaping the whirlwind. [Hosea 8:7] Our choices have caused this!

The experts, of course, will point to myriad causes; but rarely will they point to abortion. Rather, they will explain that abortion is "the solution for unexpected pregnancies, social disparities between men and women, disability, and even poverty. It liberates us "from the constraints that our bodies, our families, and traditional morality impose.

Yet, because the murder of one's own child is instinctively abhorrent, abortion proponents have endeavored to disguise its inherent criminality by using cleaver euphemisms, like "reproductive healthcare or reproductive freedom. Yet, giving infanticide an alias doesn't change the obvious. Abortion is the polar opposite of reproduction and/or healthcare. Nor is it as clean or conclusive as they pretend. It has lasting consequences, for both mother and child, as well as society.

Ryan Anderson and Alexandra DeSanctis in their book, Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing, list some of those consequences:

  1. It has led to the devaluing of human life, fostering a culture of death that has brutalized and objectified women, men, and children. The unborn and the living are now expendable if they become too expensive or too inconvenient. Euthanasia is now on the agenda.

  2. It hollows out the meaning and purpose of marriage and family. Children are a consequence, not the purpose of marriage and family.

  3. It undermines the rule of law, making infanticide allowable, and even favorable.

  4. It distorts our thinking about the Constitution, creating a right to kill out of thin air, without due process of law, while ignoring the unalienable right to life.

  5. It has deeply corrupted our political system, as politicians seeks funds and support from those who profit from abortion.

  6. It turns healers into executioners and “women’s health” into a euphemism for extermination.

  7. It has undermined women’s rights, instead of advancing them. "Motherhood" is no longer an honored and sacred role.

  8. It has trained modern people to think of the male body as normal and the female body as defective.

  9. Abortion treats pregnancy as a disease.

  10. Abortion encourages women to behave like career-focused men, leading to a coarser, cruder, more callous society. Women civilize men, until women become like men.

  11. Abortion allows men to view women as always sexually available without any marital commitment or promise of stability. Now, instead of viewing women as potential wives and mothers, their primarily role is to provide sexual services.

  12. It convinces men that an unexpected pregnancy is not only a problem, but specifically a woman’s problem.

  13. Abortion incentivizes men to abandon their children.

  14. Abortion encourages mothers to view their children as antagonists to their full thriving and participation in society.

  15. Abortion injects violence into the sacred relationship between mother and child, telling a mother that her child is a burden to be off-loaded, or in some cases, her enemy.

  16. Abortion compromises the solidarity that binds us all together: Family!

  17. Abortion, which was introduced as a way of avoiding overpopulation, has led to a far greater concern: de-population.

When I think about those who saw and still see abortion as a way forward, I am reminded of Paul's analysis of such experts: Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. [Rom. 1:22]. Today, 1/3 of pregnancies end in abortion, and the world's population is declining. This should be concerning, simply because, children are our only path to the future!


"Cowardly Pastors"

