Water into Wine?
Something that has perplexed people & pastors alike, is why so few Christians feel comfortable sharing their faith. It's not like they haven't been instructed to do so. In fact, in many churches the guilt meter regarding personal evangelism is on "11." Yet, beyond making people feel guilty, it's done little to move people to speak up when the opportunity presents itself. Why?
I think there are four underlying assumptions that create a mental barrier:
1) Many simply don't completely believe the Bible is God's Word... completely. They believe it is inspiring, and can provide inspiration, especially in times of difficulty; but they are not certain that it's always trustworthy. As my father told me, "The worst salesman is the one who doesn't believe in his product." (Consider 2Timothy 3:16 & 2Peter 1:21)
2) As a consequence, they don’t know what hell is like, or believe that good people who reject Christ are headed there; for eternity, unless they surrender their lives to Christ.
3) They don't realize that every person has a giant spiritual donut hole in their soul that craves to be filled; and that Jesus is the only one God has provided to fill that hole.
4) They have never experienced the inherent power of the gospel to reach and convince people that Jesus is the answer. They think reaching lost people depends upon them, their skills of persuasion.
Our job is simple: We are called to be witnesses of what God has done through Christ in our lives. A recovered alcoholic was once asked by a cynical friend if he believed that Jesus turned water into wine, as the Bible claims. He replied, "Yes I do, because in my home, He turned beer into furniture!" What has Jesus done in your life? Why not tell someone about it, next time you have the opening to do so?