Onward Christian Soldiers!

Not since the Civil War has there been such a deep divide in American society. Two ideologies with diametrically opposed worldviews are contending for control. One is globalist, the other nationalist; one is moral, the other is amoral; the one is Marxist, the other is capitalist; one demands absolute control even if it's through legal lawlessness, the other wants the government to follow the Constitution and the rule of law.

The genius of the American political system is its ability to compromise, to find a middle ground; and to tolerate and respect our differences. Both the American Revolution and Civil War were the result of a failure to compromise. Britain and the South refused to listen to or consider the values and concerns of the other side.

Once again, in our 244th year as a nation, we have come to a point where there is little middle ground for left. Once again, one side has become increasingly demanding that the other accept, conform and support its utopian globalist fantasy of a great, big, beautiful tomorrow. In reality its place, as CS Lewis noted, It's always winter, but never Christmas.

As Americans conservatism is pushed ever harder to accept the unacceptable, unconscionable and irrational demands of woke politics; and our voices are increasingly ignored, canceled or silenced; violence is increasingly viewed as an option. A recent survey found that nearly a third of Americans believe that civil war will happen within the next five years. Sociologists & historians have long recognized that when people believe that violence is both permissible and justifiable solution, civil war is very near.  I fear, we are approaching a precipice that will ultimately lead to ruin of the American Republic. The nation will survive; but its republican form of democracy will not. Upheaval leads to despotism, especially as states in chaos look to a political savior to end the violence.

At such times, Satan always supplies a Napoleon, a Stalin, or a Hitler to meet a confused peoples request. As illustrated by the statement of Henry Spaak, one the founders of the European Union: "What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the alliances of all people and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and be he god or devil, we will receive him.”

If the moral and social issues were not enough to cause concern, our leaders have added an unprecedented weight of unmanageable debt. We are racing the point that financial collapse through their uncontrolled spending of non-existent dollars. Today, each of us owes $180,000 toward the national debt; and the current regime intends to add trillions of dollars more.

The famed 18th century economist, Adam Smith, once noted that every nation has a limited amount of bad financial decisions before a once prosperous nation becomes insolvent. The question is, how many more bad decisions can America endure before the nation become insolvent?  Maybe that’s the point. Currently the economic elites are centralizing the world economy so that it is under their control. (For a deeper discussion on how this “is” happening, check my most podcast, “The One World Currency Is Here! @ Kenortize.com.)

The Apostle John warned of or such a time when, “A quart of wheat or barley would cost a whole day’s wages. The statement implies extreme poverty. Yet at the same time he adds, do not harm the oil and the wine. Essentially, he was saying that during the tribulation, the world would see an immense economic gap between ordinary people and the elites. While billions will struggle just to put food on the table, the elites will enjoy the finest luxuries. [Revelation 6:6]

How should we as Christians respond? Daily, we witness our faith, our freedoms and our Constitution being taken away, piece by piece. Should we comply, or should we resist… and if so, how?

We must never forget that we are Christians first, citizens second. We should resist injustice because the Bible teaches us to “resist the devil.” But we should only resist in a manner consistent with Jesus’ example. As Baronelle Stutzman, who has endure judicial persecution at the hands of Washington States Attorney General for years, recently stated, “Jesus was called names; He wasn’t politically correct. Yet He still loved, He still stood, and He is our example to stand on. I just pray that God gives us the strength and the obedience to stand strong. Pray for our churches, and that our churches would begin to rise-up and realize that we need to be obedient to Christ’s Word.

Let’s us commit to advance against our enemies… but first, on our knees. Only then will God direct our feet to engage the enemy, both human and spiritual. As Chuck Smith used to say, Prayer is where the battle is won. Service is only collecting the spoils. Let’s organize our hearts, heads and churches around that ancient hymn, Onward Christian Soldiers~

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!

At the sign of triumph Satan’s host doth flee;
On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell’s foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
Brothers lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.

Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
We are not divided, all one body we,
One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.


Another Trojan Horse!


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