Another Trojan Horse!
There is an ancient Latin poem written by the Roman poet, Virgil, that offered a word of warning to the defenders of ancient Troy. “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.” He was warning them about the Trojan Horse was successfully used by the Greeks to bypass Troy’s defenses and overthrow the city.
Since then, the term “Trojan Horse” has been used as a metaphor for any trick or strategy that causes one to invite a foe into a securely protected place; or to deceive by appearance, hiding malevolent intent within an outwardly benign exterior; or to subvert from within by deceptive means. More recently it has been used to describe malicious software that is secretly inserted into a computer hard drive to corrupt, control or destroy the operating system.
Before computers, it was used to describe legislation that hides its true intent with misleading names, like the Inflation Reduction Act, which should have been more honestly named, The Inflation Act. Rather than reducing inflation, it massively energized it.
True to form, this last December, the House & Senate passed into law, the Respect for Marriage Act, with the support of 12 Republican senators, and 47 Republican congresspersons. It was soon after signed into law by President Biden.
This new Act did two things: 1) It codified same-sex marriage into federal law, thus blocking its overturn by the Supreme Court; and 2) It formally repealed the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
Not only will this block States from forbidding same-sex marriage; it will also open the door for “any and all” definitions of what is a marriage. It will also create the pretext for states and the federal government to prosecute persons, businesses & organizations who refuse to serve or facilitate same sex and transexual marriages. It will only be a matter of time before some zealous prosecutor will attempt to use it against churches.
What’s at stake is religious freedom and freedom of conscience. The current regime is continuing its attempt to extend its reach into, and control over, every area of life, and silence those who speak out against their narrative.
What can you do? 1) Pray that God will expose the darkness and awaken the fear of God in our nation; 2) Embolden Christians to refuse the false narrative that If it’s the law, it's legal; and if it's legal, it's moral. Being “legal” doesn’t make something “moral.” Afterall, the LGBTQ+ lifestyle was legal in Sodom, and it is clear what God thought about that!
Despite the claims of its supporters, it is not about protecting or respecting marriages. Rather it’s about the destruction of traditional marriage as the foundation of our society. Moral anarchy always leads to social anarchy, and the collapse of great nations.
We may soon discover the prescience of President Eisenhower’s warning, 70 years ago: America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great."