Organized Religion?
When people say they don't like "organized religion," I wonder, would they prefer "disorganized religion?" By its very nature, the universe is not only unfathomably complex, but minutely and essentially organized. Without organization, it would not function at all.
Conversely, disorganization results in chaos, confusion and eventually decay and death. The only people who like chaos and confusion, are anarchists and demons, who, by the way, are very organized in the way they try to disorganize the world.
Sadly, we are daily witnessing the breakdown of our society, that is having a dangerous effect upon the rest of the world. Wars, genocide, inflation, abortion, violence, crime, prostitution, pornography, homeless, suicide, addiction; all are spreading faster than Covid, and with a far more deadly effect. Those who are charged with addressing these rapid spiraling problems, only react after the fact; often offering only "word-salad" to cover for their lack of vision. Instead of taking responsibility and providing leadership, they deny, then deflect, and finally they denigrate those who question and expose them.
It's not that they don't have a plan. It's just that their plan isn't workable. It based upon the assumption that there is no sin, people are basically good, and if you take a bad person and put him/her into a different situation, given them money, or give them a new sexual identity, they will live happily ever after. Yet experience shows that it doesn't work, for the same reason that a new pair of running shoes won't enable you to run faster.
The real problem with organization is always one of leadership. For the church, organized religion always ends badly because people are following a person, a program, or both, rather than God! When God leads, the organization runs smoothly, efficiently, kindly and safely. Great human leadership comes when those in-charge are more concerned with leading in harmony with God, than in-harmony with the world system.
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. [Colossians 2:8]